
Beautiful Single Storied House Athurugiriya

Brand New Single Storied House for Sale,

πŸ”° Athurugiraiya

πŸ”° 3 Bed Rooms

πŸ”° 3 Bath Rooms

πŸ”° 8.8 Perches

πŸ”° Living & Dining

πŸ”° Solid Materials

πŸ”° Modern Pantry Cupboard πŸ”° Finishing Ceiling

πŸ”° Remote & Roller Shutter Gate

πŸ”° AC Provisioning

πŸ”° Pipe Born Water

πŸ”° CCTV (23.8 Million) (Negotiable, 238/=

For More Details Contact US
Mr. S N Pasqual  +94 (0) 773637424 or +94 (0) 714407361
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